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Product application cases

Visiontek participated in the topographic surveying and mapping project of a hydropower station in Pakistan
Visiontek participated in the topographic surveying and mapping project of a hydropower station in Pakistan
Malaysia's National Bureau of Surveying and Mapping purchases Visiontek products
Hunan Province Estate Registration Project Procurement MapMatrix Real Estate Registration Version System
Hunan Province Estate Registration Project Procurement MapMatrix Real Estate Registration Version System
Visiontek participated in the surveying and mapping work of the Yushu reconstruction project
Visiontek participated in the surveying and mapping work of the Yushu reconstruction project
OKMatrix's one-key quick puzzle system participated in the emergency response to the Ludian earthquake in Yunnan
Visiontek aerial survey software is used in land improvement projects
Visiontek aerial survey software is used in land improvement projects
"Sky Map" uses Visiontek 3DMatrix three-dimensional city publishing platform
"Sky Map" uses Visiontek 3DMatrix three-dimensional city publishing platform
MapMatrix digital photogrammetry platform is applied to the mapping project of the western part of China
MapMatrix digital photogrammetry platform is applied to the mapping project of the western part of China
Basic surveying and mapping aerial photogrammetry project in a city in Hubei Province
Basic surveying and mapping aerial photogrammetry project in a city in Hubei Province
Application of MapMatrix in the Zihuatanejo Project in Mexico
Application of MapMatrix in the Zihuatanejo Project in Mexico
Application of MapMatrixEDU Teaching System in Education Industry
Application of MapMatrixEDU Teaching System in Education Industry
UAV 1000 scale basic surveying and mapping application case
UAV 1000 scale basic surveying and mapping application case
Satellite imagery case
Satellite imagery case
 ADS data case
ADS data case
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